Infotext: Is the Bismarckplatz accessible?

Schematische Darstellung der für Behinderte relevanten Informationen zum Bismarckplatz. Der Text erläutert dies.

For the Protest rally:
“Shape a barrier-free future!”

Bismarckplatz is the most central square in the city of Heidelberg and a junction, both for pedestrians and for public and private traffic. The city has taken some measures to make the square accessible, but only selectively in a few places, as you can see on the map.

There is a handicapped parking space in Sophienstraße right next to Galeria Kaufhof by the cab stands, one further back by the Postbank and some in the parking garage.There is a public wheelchair accessible toilet that can be accessed with the Euro Key. However, the other public toilets are permanently dirty and unhygienic. Instead, you can use the restrooms at Galeria Kaufhof until it closes for bankruptcy in 2024.

There are platforms with a tactile guidance system next to the tram tracks, which should provide barrier-free boarding if the tram is not an old model with stairs. However, the platforms are absent from the bus stops, but at least the buses have collapsible ramps. The bus stops do not have announcements for the blind and the tactile guidance system is completely absent from bus stops street crossings and sidewalks and is generally extremely rare in Heidelberg.

There is no lack of places to sit at the bus stops and in the park, however most of the benches stand out as defensive, or rather aggressive architecture, with dividing bars and concave surfaces that prevent people from lying down if necessary. At the rally, there are additionally beer benches.

The layout of the square and the traffic situation alone can become overwhelming and is a barrier for many people, while there are no quiet places, even the park, which is supposed to be designed for this, is not spared from traffic noise and crowds passing through. We therefore have a retreat tent for the rally.

During the rally, there are also people in purple vests who can provide information and also guide people to the rally, retreat tent, restroom, parking lot, cab or bus stop if needed. There will also be sign language interpretation, as well as translations of the speeches into simple English.


[For German here]

Other Texts relating to the Protest rally:
“Shape a barrier-free future!”
[Call in difficult and simple language]
[Short version of the awareness concept]
[Infotext in simple language]
[Report and Speeches]

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